Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Common notes


A JavaScript engine is a program or interpreter which executes JavaScript code. A JavaScript engine may be a traditional interpreter, or it may utilize just-in-time compilation to byte code in some manner. Although there are several uses for a JavaScript engine, it is most commonly used in Web browsers.

Inspect element 

          There's a powerful tool hiding in your browser Inspect Element. Right-click on any web  page, click Inspect, and you'll see the innards of that site: its source code, the images and CSS that form its design, the fonts and icons it uses, and the Javascript code that powers animations and more.

    Git hub merge & fetch
      When working with other people's repositories, there are a few basic Git commands to remember:
  • git clone
  • git fetch
  • git merge
  • git pull
These commands are very useful when interacting with a remote repository. clone and fetch download remote code from a repository's remote URL to your local computer, merge is used to merge different people's work together with yours, and pull is a combination of fetch and merge.

        Use git fetch to retrieve new work done by other people. Fetching from a repository grabs all the new remote-tracking branches and tags without merging those changes into your own branches.
If you already have a local repository with a remote URL set up for the desired project, you can grab all the new information by using git fetch *remotename* in the terminal.

         Merging combines your local changes with changes made by others.
Typically, you'd merge a remote-tracking branch (i.e., a branch fetched from a remote repository) with your local branch:

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